Candidates who want to prepare for NTS NAT (National Aptitude Test), they believe that the NAT recruitment test is very difficult. But if you really want to prepare for NTS NAT, you will have to prepare for it with full heart. NTS NAT Test Preparation Books Download pdf online here.
Given the different courses of the test, you may be worried and confused, and it is clear that everything from the curriculum is difficult to read, and of course, very effort and hard work will be required. But if you have everything organized, then you can prepare a solid plan for the study. If you do so, then everything will be well prepared at the time of the exam.
NTS NAT Test Preparation Guide Books
Success in any engineering entrance exam depends on the study material used by you. Without good study material, it is impossible to make a good ranking in the test. Students can easily get a good rank in NTS exams. In this article, we are going to tell you about the study material for the upcoming NTS NAT examination, which will definitely help you to get a good rank in the exam.
NAT Test Schedule 2024
NAT Test is conducted by National Testing Service in 2 different categories which include NAT-I and NAT-II
NAT-I (Candidate must have 12 years of Education appear in category one tests).
NAT-II (Candidate must have 14 years of Education appear in category two tests).
The NAT Test exams are only a few days left. This test is very important for students who want to take admission in a top ranking institute. All you need to take initiative is to look forward to yourself. If you are wondering how to prepare for the NAT, then we tell you today how you should prepare for the test.
NTS NAT Paper Pattern Guidelines
- The candidate should understand the syllabus and the format well before starting the preparation. After that, schedule your entire day on the basis of NAT Syllabus.
- When starting the exam preparation, make sure that your basic rights are correct. Different approaches are needed to prepare for the exam. Candidates should prepare with the relevant books.
- Never miss the syllabus of 11th and 12th examination. About 40-45 percent of the questions are asked in the school/college syllabus.
- Whatever you read every day, do not forget to repeat it the next day. Get ready for two or a couple of days with a test paper. This will increase your speed and increase confidence.
- After finishing all the courses of the NTS NAT test, try last year’s question paper and mock test.
NTS NAT Test Preparation Books Download pdf
These books are the most important for the NAT Engineering Entrance Examination, as these books have a complete syllabus related to the examination.
Sr.No | Name Of Book |
1 | NTS Guide Book |
2 | Analytical Question Book |
3 | Dogar’s Unique NTS Guide |
4 | English Grammar Test Package |
5 | Shortcuts in Mathematics Book |
Each year National Testing Service conducts a national level engineering entrance examination through the NAT test, which will enable the students to get admission in various engineering colleges and professional colleges for a bachelor’s degree in engineering. NTS NAT registration form and further detail get online on
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