Islamabad’s New Metro Routes Facing Delay as Bus Deliveries Arrive Late

The arrival of the first batch of 30 electric buses from China has faced a delay due to the unavailability of shipping vessels. Initially, these buses were set to depart from China shortly, but the delay in vessel availability has caused a postponement in the delivery schedule.

Islamabad’s New Metro Routes Face Delay

Officials have informed local media that they are in communication with Chinese authorities to address the issue, and efforts are underway to load the buses onto a vessel, with plans to do so on Thursday. Islamabad’s New Metro Routes Facing Delay as Bus Deliveries,  Despite this setback, officials anticipate that the first batch of 30 electric buses will reach the Karachi port within the next three weeks.

Islamabad’s New Metro Routes Face Delay as Bus Shipments Arrive Behind Schedule

The delay pertains to the first batch of thirty out of the 160 electric buses imported from China, which were intended to be transported to Islamabad. Information from various sources suggests that the first batch of buses will depart from China using a special vessel in the coming days. Islamabad’s New Metro Routes Facing Delay as Bus Deliveries,  Two additional batches are expected to follow in the next two months, but due to vessel unavailability, their delivery has been delayed.

New Metro Routes Delayed in Islamabad Due to Late Bus Shipments

Officials are currently liaising with Chinese authorities and endeavoring to load the buses onto a vessel by Thursday. They expect the first batch of thirty electric buses to arrive at the port in Karachi within the following three weeks. Islamabad’s New Metro Routes Facing Delay as Bus Deliveries,  Subsequently, two more batches of these buses will be dispatched to Islamabad over the next two months.

Late Bus Shipments Affect New Metro Routes in Islamabad

The contract for manufacturing the electric buses was awarded to an international firm, with the National Radio and Telecommunication Corporation (NRTC) designated to operate them on 13 routes across the federal capital.

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The NRTC, in collaboration with the Capital Development Authority (CDA), had previously signed a contract. Per the agreement terms between the two parties, the civic authority will pay the NRTC between Rs. 306 and Rs. 331 per kilometer to operate the buses.

Waqas Anjum
I am a Pakistani blogger, I love to write educational articles. my goal is to help my Pakistani students.

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