Cambridge O Level Date Sheet 2024 Pakistan Announced

Cambridge O Level Date Sheet 2024. Cambridge International Examination (CIE) has released the date sheet for the June 2024 exams. This represents the finalized schedule for the June 2024 series, although minor adjustments might still be made. The schedule can be accessed by syllabus or week, encompassing the complete array of tests for the June 2024 series. Alloted times already include the necessary duration for candidates to review question papers, maps, and other materials, with no additional time being allocated. This schedule is presented in its final form.

Cambridge O Level Date Sheet 2024 Pakistan

The Cambridge Final Exam Timetable for June 2024 has been made public, with the indicated time already factoring in the necessary review duration for candidates. Exams are to be undertaken according to Key Time standards, with sessions scheduled for morning (AM), afternoon (PM), or evening (EV). Each session features a single Key Time, accessible at

Cambridge O Level Date Sheet 2024

O Level Date Sheet 2024 Pakistan

Candidates registered for exams must be under full center supervision from the Key Time until the commencement of their exams. Key Times can be found at Should exams be scheduled after the Key Time, supervision continues until the exam starts. Candidates who finish early must remain under supervision until the Key Time. If exams are scheduled after the Key Time, candidates must be under full center supervision from the Key Time until the exam begins. For further details, consult the Cambridge Handbook’s Key Times and Full Center Supervision section.

CIES Date Sheet 2024 Pakistan

Any modifications to the schedule will be communicated through the Cambridge Exams Officer newsletter and the Cambridge International website ( to this schedule will be announced in our monthly Cambridge Exams Officer newsletter and on the schedules section of the Cambridge International website ( For additional information, visit Review the final schedule for any conflicts.

Cambridge International June 2024 Final Timetable Zone Pakistan

Title: Cambridge O Level Date Sheet 2024 Pakistan
Exams Date 20 to 25 May 2024

27 to 31 May 2024

3 to 7 June 2024

11 to 13 June 2024

O Level Exams Date in Pakistan Download 
Country Pakistan
Official Website
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Cambridge Exam Dates 2024 Pakistan

Apply for timetable variations only after submitting your entries and receiving your conflict report. Further information on schedule conflicts and timetable deviations can be found in section 1 of the Cambridge Handbook. Candidates may take a supervised break between two papers scheduled for the same session, adhering to Key Time and Full Center Supervision standards. Refer to the Cambridge Handbook for more information on these policies.

Cheek Also: PTS Roll Number Slip 2024 Download PDF

How to Download O Level Date Sheet?

  • Visit the Website: Go to
  • Find the Timetables Section: Navigate to the “Exams” section and click on “Timetables.”
  • Select Your Qualification: Choose “O Level” from the list of qualifications.
  • Download the Date Sheet: Locate the June 2024 date sheet and click on the download link.
Waqas Anjum
I am a Pakistani blogger, I love to write educational articles. my goal is to help my Pakistani students.

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