Sindh Medical Colleges and Universities MDCAT entry tes 2024 syllabus, paper pattern and test schedule/date has been updated on this page. All those candidates who are seeking for admission in Sindh Medical and Dental colleges and universities must know that Liaquat University of Medical and Health Sciences LUMHS will conduct entry test for admissions in MBBS and BDS programs. You msut prepare entry test in accordance to the syllabus issued by PMDC. Students who have just free from FSc pre medical exams should appear in the entry test. All those candidates of FSc who belong from Sindh Province are eligible to sit in the entry test. The entry test is not so easy rather it is a tough test. MDCAT test scores will be included in the merit calculation. So you must appear in the entry test with full preparation.

Sindh Medical Colleges Entry Tes 2024 Date
After entry test result, merit lists of all the public and private medical colleges and universities will be uploaded on this page. So you must stay in touch with this page till the admissions.
Liaquat University of Medical & Health Sciences LUMHS Jamshoro conducts Medical and Dental Colleges Admission Test MDCAT every year. Thousands of the students appear in the test. The test is conducted in different test centers. Students have to choose a test center during registration process. The entry test comprises of a single paper containing 200 MCQ type questions. There shall be no negative marking this year and each question carry equal marks. One have to score 60% 120/200 marks in entry test to become eligible to apply for MBBS and BDS admission in any public or private medical and dental college of Sindh province.
Sindh Medical Colleges MDCAT syllabus
The entry test contains 200 MCQs from the four prescribed subjects like Biology, Chemistry, Physics and English. The entry test questions come from these four subjects in the following ways.
- Biology: 80 MCQs
- Chemistry: 60 MCQs
- Physics: 40 MCQs
- English: 20 MCQs
Candidates who are going to apply to sit in the entry test must check the eligibility criteria before applying. You should apply before the last date through this page. You have to reach at examination center one hour before the conduction of entry test. All the students must prepare well to sit in the test. You can prepare for the test from here. We have uploaded MDCAT most recommended books and online quizzes on this website. You can download or prepare online from here.
Sindh Medical Colleges MDCAT Paper Pattern
The revised MDCAT Syllabus 2024 can be downloading online from the official website of LUMHS as well as from here. All the students must prepare in following the new and revised syllabus. PMDC has changed the syllabus of MDCAT. So you must check your entry test syllabus from here. The entry test will be held soon. You can download entry test roll no slip from this page. We will upload LUMHS roll no slips and admit card on this website. You must stay connected with this website to get latest updates about entry tes 2024. Entry test result and answer keys will also be dispatched here on the day of entry test.
If you feel any problem in searching entry test date or all about Sindh medical colleges entry test, write us in comment box.