All educational boards in Punjab are taking a significant step with the important motive of bringing about change in the field of education. The main purpose is to enhance students’ English skills and improve educational standards. This initiative aims to lay a strong foundation for students, leading to improved English communication and increased confidence.
Punjab educational boards overhaul matric exam format 2024
Starting from 2025, all educational boards across the province will conduct matriculation exams in English, regardless of whether they are for science or arts groups. According to the details, questions written in Urdu will be removed from examinations to ensure a uniform language medium in all subjects.
Moreover, starting from 2026, all optional subjects of FA exams will also be conducted in English. While this policy has not yet received formal approval, educational authorities are optimistic that it will be adopted at the next Punjab Boards Committee Chairmen (PBCC) meeting.
punjab board grading system 2024
However, Rana Liaqat Ali, the general secretary of the Punjab Teachers Union, expressed concerns about potential difficulties arising from the changes in language. To facilitate a smooth transition, he emphasized the importance of preparing teachers and reducing the likelihood of students failing due to language barriers.
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Despite these concerns, it is expected that the policy will receive formal approval from the authorities soon, and necessary actions will be taken to implement it.