FPSC conducts competitive exam that is called as Central Superior Service exam every year for the recruitment of posts of BPS-17 in the various designated departments of Pakistan. The candidates of 21-30 years can sit in the CSS exam. The govt. has extended age limit of 2 years i.e. 32 years for candidates currently serving as a government employee or belonging to recognized tribes and areas. The criteria for age relaxation are given at the end of the page. If you want to apply for CSS exa 2024, must check eligibility criteria, age relaxation, syllabus for test and other information about CSS exam from this page. What is the FPSC CSS Age Limit 2024 in Pakistan?
FPSC CSS Age Limit 2024
FPSC CSS Age Limit 2024 in Pakistan for candidates applying is 21 to 30 years. Candidates are given age relaxation of 2 years for following candidates.
CSS is a competitive exam conducted by Federal Public Service Commission of Pakistan Islamabad. Generally it is conducted for the recruitment in posts of basic pay scale 17 in the following departments commerce and trade service, Custom and Excise Service, District Management Group, Foreign Service of Pakistan, Income tax Group, information group, Military land and cantonments group, office management groups, Pakistan Audit and accounts service, police service of Pakistan, postal services group, railways group.
CSS Exam Patter 2024
CSS exam is considered as the very tough exam of Pakistan. It consists of four parts that are written examination, medical test, and psychological test, viva voce. Candidates have to pass all these parts for the preceding.
CSS eligibility criteria
Candidate must have a second division bachelor’s degree.
Candidates belonging from special casts which are scheduled and belonging from Buddhist Community subject to provision of issued by DCO or District Magistrate.
Candidates currently serving as a government employees are eligible for age relaxation. Employees from Bank, WAPDA, and Regularity Authority are not eligible for age relaxation.
css requirements
Candidates belonging from recognized tribes, province of Baluchistan, tribal areas of D.I.Khan and Peshawar division and many other divisions and areas of Pakistan recognized by government of Pakistan. The candidates have to provide certificate issued by DCO/Political Agent/ District Magistrate.
css exam subjects
Candidates belonging from Azad and Jammu Kashmir have to provide certificate issued by Kashmir Affairs Division, Gilgit Baltistan, are subjected to provision of certificate issued by DCO/Political Agent/ District Magistrate.
css exam2023
Candidates who are disabled namely, physically impaired, hearing/speech impaired, and visually impaired subject to submission of certificate of disability issued by the competent authority.
This is all about the age limit of FPSC CSS Age Limit 2024 in Pakistan. If you need more information about FPSC CSS exa 2024 drop a comment in below given box.